Ed Mylett - The Top 5 SECRETS of Time Management and Productivity


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Ed Mylett - The Top 5 SECRETS of Time Management and Productivity
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Are you ready to become a master of time manipulation? Do you want to learn how you can accomplish 21 days of work in only 1 week? Today, I'm going to teach you exactly how to take control of your TIME - the #1 thing we all wish we had more of.  Elite achievers desire the same things as you. They have the same big dreams, the same ambitions. They read the same books, and they listen to the same podcasts as you. They have the same busy schedule as the mediocre, but SOMEHOW they can achieve everything FASTER — as if time stood still for them as it passed you by.  Elite achievers get more done before noon eerie day than the average person gets done in an entire day! And some of them get more done in a day than the average person gets done in a whole WEEK!  The elite performers look at time and use time completely differently than the people who perform at an average level. I'm going to tell you straight right now: either you're going to control your time or your time is going to control you. You are either going to dictate the terms of your life, or you're going to be somebody who reacts and responds.  In today's episode, I'm going to teach you how to bend time and use it to your advantage. By the end of this episode, you'll know how to TRIPLE your productivity and achieve a 21 day work week. We're going to walk through some practical tips and strategies that will UNLOCK your potential and help you MAXOUT your life, so get your pen and paper ready! Let's dive in. 

Time Tip #1: Pace Yourself Like the Finish Line is Right in Front of You 

Here's the thing about people who win: They are always in a much bigger hurry than ordinary people. They are in a much bigger hurry to get to their destination. They walk faster, they talk faster, and they expect to arrive at their destination is sooner. This may seem like a tiny, subtle thing, but your pace reveals a LOT about your drive. How much of a hurry are you to get to your projected outcome? Are you the kind of person who sprints at the end of the race, or do you prefer to walk? Like any long-distance race, you do have to pace yourself.  Let me give you an example. If you and I started running a 26-mile marathon right now, we would pace ourselves at a certain speed because of its duration. We certainly wouldn't sprint the whole way! But if we were competing in a 100-meter dash, the finish line is so much closer, so we'd start running at full speed the moment we took off.  When it comes to procrastination and lack of motivation, it's usually due to a lack of depth perception. You think you're farther away from the outcome, and so you pace yourself like it and jog throughout your entire life. The people who win have a bigger vision, but they also have accurate depth perception. They see how close their outcome is. They get up earlier in the morning than the average person and usually finish their day later.  I cannot emphasize this enough: The average performer can say the same things, read the same books, and have the same schedule, yet the person who is in a bigger hurry through the days actually WINS the day, the month, the year, and life. I challenge you right now to evaluate your pace. Are you a jogger or a sprinter? If you're an elite entrepreneur, you probably have people telling you to slow down a little bit, and you're probably telling yourself that you need to go faster. Your vision is NOT as far as you think it is, so spring towards that finish line like it's right in front of you — because it is. 

Time Tip #2: Don't Look at Your Phone in the Mornings 

When it comes to your time, it's either going to control you or you're going to control it. Elite performances control their time and dictate the terms of their life. And one way they do this is that they wake up in the morning and don't look at their devices for 30 minutes to an hour.  It's so easy to waste time scrolling mindlessly through social media or the internet. We wake up, rub our eyes, and grab our phones to begin catching up on Instagram posts and tweets. And, while there is nothing wrong with people connected, this is not how we want to start our day as elite MAXOUT performers. We end up spending way too much time on our phones, and we lose precious time. That first distraction sets a pattern for the whole day, also. So if you began with your phone, you're more likely to keep looking at your phone throughout the day consistently.  So if we start our day distancing ourselves from distraction, then we immediately have an advantage. It sets a tone that YOU are in charge of your time, and this message stays in your head the whole day. These 24 hours are on YOUR terms. If you make this a habit, you will see your productivity skyrocket, and you'll finally be in charge of dictating the terms of your own life.  Now, I'm not suggesting that all MAXOUT performers dictate every term of their day. Of course, I respond and react to things that happen! But "reaction" is not the syntax of my day. It's not the structure. I create the structure, and I use time to my advantage. 

Time Tip #3: Work 3 Days for the Price of 1 

Have you ever had a day where you're four or five hours in, and you've gotten more done during those hours than you usually accomplish within a normal day? It's almost as if your productivity levels spiked, and you were in overdrive. Here's what I know about MAXOUT elite performers. They get more done in a six-hour window than most people get done in an entire day.  When I was young, people used to tell me I was too young to win in business — that I didn't have enough days of experience. I decided to fix that, and here's what's been working well for about 30 years now. My days are 6 days long. My first day is from 6:00 AM to noon. I aim to get a full day's work done between that time period. To me, a day is that 6 hour period, and so my perception of time has been altered, and it's transformed who I am.  Noon to 6:00 PM is my second day. And in that second day, I fill my time up with a full day's worth of fun memories, meetings, and phone calls. It's a day for relationships, connection, and getting stuff done. My third day is from 6:00 PM to midnight, and it consists of the same: work, relationships, and success.  Guys — the amount of work that you can get done if you adopt this schedule is honestly incredible. It's going to blow your mind. You'll get three days of work done in just one day. When you start, you'll probably mess up a couple of times, but if you can keep yourself committed to this for a week or two, it will start becoming second nature.  Imagine that in one month, you got 90-days worth of work done. Think about what would happen in your life. And you stack that up over a year or three years. How different would your life be? And I'm telling you, I'm an example of how different your life would be. I'm an example of what that productivity and compounding in your life can do in your life. You'll be sprinting towards your goals and making more fun memories and relationships along the way.  Here's the problem with some entrepreneurs. They don't realize that when you become an entrepreneur, you take on maybe three, four jobs. It requires WAY more time than a 9 to 5 job. But sometimes they think: Oh, well my time is mine! I love the freedom! But guys — that's the greatest fallacy in the world. As an entrepreneur, you have more responsibility, more obligations, and more accountability than ever. The biggest mistake you could ever make is thinking that you have all this free time.  You wouldn't be wearing your sweats at 10:30 AM in the morning if you were working for someone else, would you? You don't get to do that either when you work for you. Instead, give yourself the greatest gift: the gift of 3 days for the price of 1. 

Time Tip #4: Measure Your Performance Daily 

Here's your next tip: You need to have an alarm clock where performance is measured. Secondly, the more you can shrink the timeframe when you measure performance, the better chance you can have to alter that performance and improve it.  Most people measure their performance at the end of every year -- maybe on New Year's Eve, right? They look at what they've accomplished and what they didn't get done. Perhaps they even make some resolutions (which most people don't keep past February anyway).  If you're a pretty good performer, you may evaluate your performance every month, similar to how most companies do an inventory. Excellent performers evaluate their performance every week. They take Sunday night to make adjustments and improvements. Then there are the elite performers, the MAXOUT performers, who evaluate their performance at the end of EACH DAY. They sit back, look at their calendar, and see the results. Out of all those performers, who do you think is going to do better? The person who measures it once a year, once a month, once a week, or once a day?  We all know the answer here: The person who evaluates their performance every day. When the timeframe between adjustments shortens, then the quality of work and productivity levels are steadily increasing. They have an alarm clock that goes off every hour in their head. What have I done to move closer to my outcomes? What adjustments do I need to make? What do I need to celebrate?  Whenever this alarm clock goes off in my head, I get excited. It takes practice, but like every other tip in this article, if you commit to practicing it, it will become second nature. If you adopt this habit, it will TRANSFORM your life. You will become more productive in your family, personal relationships, faith, business, fitness, and money — basically, everything.

Time Tip #5: Forget the Past and Focus on the Present and Future 

My last tip for you all is this: The best and most productive performers focus on the future and use their time in the present. Too many of you are focused on the past, dream about the future, but aren't actually taking advantage of the present.  The present is a gift, and we need to treat it as such. The past is literally gone forever, and in many cases, it's a figment and a manipulation of our imagination. Most of the MAXOUT achievers I know in my life spend almost 0% time focused on the past. You are stealing and robbing your future and your present by focusing any of your attention on the past. The future is grand and powerful, and we need to focus on making our way there instead of simply dreaming about it.  If you're past was really difficult, know this: Your past does not determine your future. What will equal your future is what you do in the present. I hope all these tips have encouraged you and equipped you with tools to MAXOUT your life. I can assure you that the future is much closer than you think it is, especially if you take MASSIVE action in the present.  I am always here to help and serve you! If you know someone who would benefit from this message, share it, and tag someone who's looking to MAXOUT their life! And don't forget to use the #MAXOUT hashtag and tell me your biggest takeaways in the comments below! I read them every week and select winners who get all sorts of prizes, gear, and even coaching calls with me!  Whether you are young or old, you MUST become a master of YOUR TIME if you want to achieve beyond your wildest dreams. 

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Ed Mylett